Tuesday, December 19, 2006


My wife of more than 7 years left me last night. There - I said it. Even having typed it, it still doesn't seem real. The pain is all-encompassing, and I find that I can't seem to catch my breath. I have to go on, though. I have no choice, you see, because I have kids. While I feel as though I'll never be happy again (as irrational as I know that is), I don't have the luxury of giving up. There is no easy way out for me. I simply have to go on.

In a time when there is a new blog created about every second, why create another? In plainest terms, the answer to that is to preserve my sanity. I'm struggling right now, and writing has been shown to be therapeutic. Furthermore, this blog will provide me with a venue to share with close friends and family.

I actually have several other blogs, however they are all traceable to my name. But, because I don't want potential employers, exwives, enemies, or other nogoodnicks finding this, I opted to do it anonymously. Well, as anonymously as is possible these days. At times, the reading may be a bit awkward as I mask names to protect my privacy, and that of others involved. That said, I'll do my best to make this a good read while still getting my feelings out.

In any event, if you happen to know my real name, please refrain from using it here. Also please don't post any information that might be used to identify me. I have comments turned on, and I do appreciate any feedback I get, but I also need to maintain a modicum of privacy in this very personal matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"In plainest terms, the answer to that is to preserve my sanity. I'm struggling right now, and writing has been shown to be therapeutic. Furthermore, this blog will provide me with a venue to share with close friends and family."

Share away. I find it pains me to read what you have written while I am in awe of your ability to look so honestly at yourself while going through all this.

As you stated and I would imagine, your deciding to do this would in part help you in addressing what you need to while keeping your sanity. So, ONLY good wishes to you in this effort to gain some liberation from the pain you are going through.

I will be reading your blog, rooting for you and offering heartfelt responses when I have any. I also expect to cry again when I read it but that is because I care.

Since you understandably want your privacy protected, I am calling you....'SoulfulMan".

SOULFUL (slfl)
Full of or expressing deep feeling.